Alot of these screens are taken at my favorite server: /3rd Reich/ Bloody Queef Mist|no Rocket|. IP= , Mode is TeamDM & it has some new maps in the rotation. And My second fav server I play on is: =CKR= Members v1.11 Custom Maps=CKR=. Mode is also TeamDM, has New Maps & running the CKR Realism Mod. IP= . Find more info about it & links for maps here. Also, you can get most new maps out at on the Maps Library link. Though I mainly play at these two servers I definatley venture out & check out other pubs from time to time for some obj or even dm.

's Server.

On The Hunt...

Sniper Goin' Down!

10 Hours At Remagen, I was going for 1000 frags but lagged & the game timed out from the server. :(





Well hidden sniper.

Fly on the wall!

Lewser under the map.

IMHO this is cheating not to mention very annoying on a Pub server.





Charge!!! We know what happens next...

Party at Tornado's server!!!!!

The great Wallenda!

Ledge with no floor.





Just another mohaa glitch...

Low grav fun.


How come I can't get that high? ;)





Floating around the map.

Coming in for landing!

Sarge! Ragdoll at 1000 feet!!!

Semi-Secret sniping spot. See the figure in the lower right quadrant of my scope?

 Email thefog



Updated 05/21/02.

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